International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners
Vol 17, No. 1 March 2015

This is the second issue of the newsletter using the new website based format. This format allows us to be more interactive with the content (you will notice many links, in green, taking you to websites mentioned within individual articles in order to provide further information). This Newsletter Summary provides brief introductions/summaries to each article and in order to access the full article, you need to firstly log onto the website then click on the 'read more' button at the end of each article introduction/summary. In addition, at the end of each full article there is the opportunity for you to write comments about the article and start up a discussion forum. Don't forget, if you have been to an interesting meeting or have some information to share with other members in a future newsletter simply email me at [email protected]



Jill Davis

ISOPP Newsletter Editor

[email protected]  
Jill Davis
Message from the President 
By Rowena (Moe) Schwartz, Pharm.D., BCOP

This year is the 20th anniversary of ISOPP, and it is time to CELEBRATE!

We celebrate the organization that brought together oncology pharmacy practioners from across the globe to collaborate on ideas and efforts to help advance cancer care through oncology pharmacy.

We celebrate the pharmacists who work together across the globe to create a forum for oncology pharmacists to learn and work together for the advancement of cancer care.

Anniversaries often bring back memories. As you think back to remember your personal experience with ISOPP, I am hoping you are willing to share your stories and thoughts with the members of ISOPP.

Anniversaries are a great time to look both at where we have been, where we are now and where we need to be going forward. This year we will take some time to think about what we do well, and what we can do to continue to grow ISOPP.

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Rowena (Moe) Schwartz
Oncology Around the World

Report on BOPP Days
By France Duvivier, Centre Hospitalier Peltzer La Tourelle, Verviers, Belgium and Karen Vermis, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium

Last January, the Belgian Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners (BOPP) organised its 8th conference in Blankenberge, a town situated near the North Sea. The program offered a wide variety of cancer related topics. Highlights include:
  • Prof. Rottey (UZ Gent) gave an excellent presentation on renal cell cancer.
  • Prof. Baurain (UCL Saint Luc) presented the classification, prognostic markers (1p, 19q, CDKN2A) and the treatment of brain tumors, with specific focus on the most common primary glial tumors.
  • Treatment of glioblastoma remains challenging. The methylation of the MGMT promoter is important in prognosis.
  • Hematologist Prof. Verhoef (UZ Leuven) discussed the heterogeneity of the lymphomas followed by a therapeutic overview of the most prevalent ones.
  • Prof. Galand (UCL Saint Luc) discussed the biology and the molecular pathogenesis of cancer.
  • Dr. Vandebroek (ZNA Middelheim) gave an overview of the need for nutritional supplements in oncology.
  • During the session of "short communications," colleagues were able to present their own projects.
  • The conference ended with a workshop in clinical pharmacy.
Once again the BOPP conference proved to be an excellent forum for gathering information on cancer and related topics and brain picking with colleagues.

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France Duvivier

Karen Vermis
NZW Meeting Report  
By Kim Stefaniuk, Canada

Once again, no matter where in the world oncology pharmacists gather, I continue to be amazed by their commitment and dedication to patient care. The NZW meeting held from 23-25 January 2015 in the beautiful "tropical" city of Hamburg (it was -15 degrees C when I left Canada so it was tropical to me!) was no exception. From engineering controls to inventory management, ethics, patient safety, disease updates and even palliative care and self-care, oncology pharmacy practitioners continue to expand their practice and demonstrate yet again the crucial role pharmacy has in delivering quality cancer care. 
Kim Stefaniuk admiring a McLaren car on show at the Frankfurt airport on her journey home.
The Role of the Clinical Pharmacist - Translating Theory into Practice in Egypt
By Sherif Kamal, Director, Department of Pharmaceutical Services (DPS), Children Cancer Hospital Egypt (CCHE)

The goal of this presentation is to describe our experience and the challenges of implementing Clinical Pharmacy in Egypt. A journey of over 15 years in the field of hospital pharmacy made us confident that the more you as pharmacists are prepared to play your important role in the clinical setting, the more you save lives.

Our strategy is to provide the hospital with cost effective state-of-the-art pharmaceutical services. The DPS is structured to maximize teamwork and to promote decision making at the individual personnel level of the Department.

We should not forget that this whole paradigm shift in the 57357 model is a national project, a fourth pyramid, but more importantly is a change agent, transforming the people and investing in people as human capital. The 57357 model must survive. For this, we need your spirit in the service of the sick and the spirit of service to students and researchers.


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UTHealth Research Shows Mushroom Extract, AHCC, Helpful in Treating HPV 
By Deborah Mann Lake

A Japanese mushroom extract appears to show promise in the treatment of human papillomavirus (HPV), according to a pilot clinical trial at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) Medical School.

The results were presented at the 11th International Conference of the Society for Integrative Oncology in Houston today by principal investigator Judith A. Smith, Pharm.D., associate professor in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences at the UTHealth Medical School.

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Judith Smith, ISOPP Research Committee Chair
COSA 2014 Meeting Review
By Jill Davis, Australia

The Clinical Oncology Society of Australia (COSA) held its 41st meeting in Melbourne in December 2014.

The meeting highlighted cancer survivorship, supportive care, palliative care and lung cancer. Highlights included
  • The presentation by Dr. Mark Shackleton on the current status of melanoma treatment
  • The discussion around the increasing inclusion of wellness and integrative medicine in oncology both in the acute care setting and the palliative care setting
  • The presentation by Dr. Donald Abrams (a USA leader in integrative oncology) on 'Complementary therapies in cancer symptom management'
  • John Coulsouvelis (pharmacist, Alfred Health) spoke on the long-term complication of neuropathy
  • Dan McKavanagh (pharmacist, Princess Alexandra Hospital) spoke on the long-term complication of cardiac toxicity.
The meeting concluded with hot topic plenary 'Is the cost of cancer treatment worth the benefits?'.

Oncology Pharmacy Education in China   
By Bo (Miguel) Yu

Pharmacy services are now in a changing era in China. The whole country is in the process of outsourcing basic pharmacy services. Therefore, pharmacists can now take on other roles besides dispensing and take on expanded roles such as provision of clinical services.

Under legislation, each first class grade A hospitals must employ at least 5 clinical pharmacists. Taking the total numbers of cancer centers into account, we need at least 350 clinical pharmacists. However, we do not have a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) program or any clinical pharmacy certification authority.

Thus, Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center started to conduct their own education program for their pharmacists by introducing global education and certification materials and inviting leading pharmacists in clinical pharmacy practice. 
Bo Yu
BMT Tandem Pharmacists Presentations 2015    

The BMT Pharmacists Conference is held annually in conjunction with the BMT Tandem Meetings. During the two-day conference, multiple pharmacy leaders within the HCT field and experts from other disciplines provide perspective in the clinical management of this complex patient population using an evidence-based approach.

ISOPP Business and News

ISOPP 2016 in Santiago 

ISOPP invites you to Santiago, Chile in 2016 for the XV International Symposium taking place April 17 to 20.

The Symposium will feature an educational, career-enhancing program and address leading edge topics in Oncology Pharmacy. There will also be lots of opportunities to network and connect with old friends and new colleagues.

Santiago, Chile's capital, is a safe, beautiful and historical city nestled between the Andes Mountains and the Pacific Ocean. Extend your stay and explore Santiago's surrounding areas.

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2015 ISOPP Research Grant Awards
After completing a peer review process, we are pleased to announce we have selected two recipients for the 2015 ISOPP Grant Awards that will be presented at the 2016 ISOPP Symposium.

First we would like to congratulate Anantha Naik Nagappa from the Department of Pharmacy Management, Manipal University, India for his research proposal entitled "Impact of pharmaceutical care in therapeutic management of Cervical Cancer in a Tertiary Care Hospital." His research evaluates the clinical management and pharmacy practice in terms of economic, clinical and humanistic outcomes among women with cervical cancer.

We would also like to congratulate Tiene Bauters, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium for her research proposal entitled "Development of a knowledge competency framework for pharmacists involved in pharmaceutical care for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation patients." This is a quality improvement research project to develop an evidence-based educational course (for community and hospital pharmacists) involved/interested in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation processes and will be translated in different languages. If successful, investigators plan to implement the course via different (inter)national pharmacy organizations.

Please join us in extending our congratulations to both Anantha and Tiene. We look forward to their poster presentations at the 2016 meeting in Budapest!
ISOPP 2016 Call for Scientific Program Committee Members
By Alex Chan and Sulamita Miranda Nam, Co-Chairs, ISOPP 2016

Are you interested in actively participating in the program development for the XV International Symposium on Oncology Pharmacy Practice (ISOPP 2016), which will take place April 17-20, 2016 in Santiago, Chile? 

The International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners (ISOPP) and Capitulo de Qu�micos Farmac�uticos Oncologicos (CQFO) also known as the Chapter of Chilean Oncology Pharmacists of Sociedad Chilena de Cancerolog�a (SCC), the local host organization, are currently recruiting volunteers for the ISOPP 2016 Scientific Program Committee (SPC). 

Expectations of the SPC members include:
  • be a current member of either ISOPP or CQFO
  • attend teleconference calls every two weeks starting May 6, 2015 until the program is established and then as needed after that (calls will be held via Skype at 9am Chilean time, 12 noon Coordinated Universal Time (UTC))
  • establish the Symposium program including identifying a Symposium theme, determining topics and inviting speakers for keynote, plenary and concurrent sessions
  • provide contacts and suggestions for soliciting sponsors and exhibitors
  • provide suggestions for marketing the Symposium
  • attend ISOPP 2016 at own cost, moderate sessions and introduce speakers as needed
As an SPC member, you will be recognized internationally by your peers (Symposium website, onsite program and sponsor prospectus) and you will contribute to your field! 

If you are interested in joining, please send a Letter of Interest and your CV to [email protected] by April 13th, 2015.
Alex Chan, Co-Chair

Sulamita Miranda Nam, Co-Chair
Celebrate and Promote ISOPP and ISOPP 2016
Share your ISOPP memories with other oncology pharmacists around the world as we celebrate the 20th Anniversary of ISOPP. Also, use the many resources ISOPP has on the website to promote ISOPP and its mission.  
Share your photos of ISOPP events and activities over the years gone by with us!  See below for steps on how to submit them.

Also, ISOPP members have access to many resources on the ISOPP website that include marketing materials - featured on the member documents page. Making a presentation to colleagues or another association? Attending an event? Use the PowerPoint slide, advertisements and postcards to promote ISOPP and ISOPP 2016 to colleagues and friends within your network.

If you have an ISOPP related resource that you think would be great to share with other members please send it to [email protected] so it could potentially be added to the website.

Submit your photographs by following these easy steps:

1. Rename your photos before you upload them to describe the picture, and provide some information about the when and who is in the photo.

3. Click on "Browse" to locate the image on your desktop.

4. Click on "Upload/Open". When the file is uploaded, you will see its filename and size.

5. To view your uploaded photos in the gallery click "Done" in the top right corner. (It may take a few minutes for your photographs to appear).

6. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding the upload by emailing [email protected] 
ISOPP's Society &
Symposium Management Office


Sea to Sky Meeting Management is ISOPP's Society and 2016 & 2017 Symposium Management Office. If you have any questions about membership, services, ISOPP 2016, ISOPP 2017 or the Society, please contact the ISOPP Office directly as follows:
Direct: +1-778-338-4142
Fax: +1-604-984-6434
Suite 206, 201 Bewicke Avenue

North Vancouver, BC Canada V7M 3M7 

In This Issue
Quick Links

Submit an Article

Contact the Newsletter Editor at [email protected] to submit an article.

Member Business

Thank you for renewing your ISOPP membership.

ISOPP exists to develop, improve and support the practice of oncology pharmacy for the benefit of cancer patients around the world. Membership comes with a great range of benefits. Review your membership benefits and take a moment to ensure you are making the most of being an ISOPP member.
Elections 2015

The ISOPP 2015 election closed on March 31, 2015.  There was one candidate for the position of Secretary and four candidates for the two available General Secretariat positions. View the candidates' letters of intent for the ISOPP 2015 election on the ISOPP website. The results will be announced shortly.

Call for Volunteers

ISOPP 2016 - Call for Scientific Program Committee Members - Are you interested in actively participating in the program development for the XV International Symposium on Oncology Pharmacy Practice (ISOPP 2016), which will take place in 2016 in Santiago, Chile? Find out more ...

Call for Volunteers for ISOPP's Standing Committees - Are you interested in being involved in ISOPP directly? Find out more ...